“Thank you for your overwhelming response to the scheme.”

The received applications will undergo scrutiny and review process. The applicants will be informed of the status after completion of the process, which might take about two months.

Those who could not make it to this cycle, please wait for the next cycle.

Thank you for applying.
You can download your application here.



National Education Policy 2020 recognises the importance of Interdisciplinary / Multidisciplinary Research Interventions in solving local problems and providing robust data to formulate new policies for improving the lives of citizens and in guiding Government policies in reaching the citizens. The significance of high-quality, interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary research is the need, as problems are not restricted to any single discipline.

Hence, the “GSRF Interdisciplinary Research Interventions Scheme for Local Development (IRIS-LD)” has been designed to provide financial assistance to a team of Researchers from various Research and Educational institutions in Goa on a competitive basis to pursue interdisciplinary research work as a team on a chosen problem and come out with practical solutions and/or policy prescriptions.


This scheme aims to promote interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary teams of researchers, including those from informal/unorganized sector with experience and innovative ideas, to take up any local problems and provide practical solutions based on research interventions. These solutions include scientific solutions that could be implemented/adopted directly on the ground or inputs for policy interventions.

Research that considers working with local bodies, industry and/or government departments, keeping solutions as the output, will be considered. In addition to the above, GSRF would also announce periodically under this scheme, as need arises, ‘thematic’ problems/concerns needing solutions through research interventions. Under IRIS-LD scheme, therefore, applicants would thus have the platform to provide solutions through research interventions to thematic and non-thematic/open local level problems.


The Goa State Research Foundation (GSRF) shall implement and operate this scheme.


  1. Assistance for a single project under this scheme shall not exceed Rs. 10.00 Lakhs. In a financial year, the total quantum of assistance shall not exceed Rs. 100.00 Lakhs.
  2. Stratification

    The maximum amount payable for accepted proposals will be as follows:

    1. Local / Village / Panchayat level issue: up to Rs. 3.00 lakhs
    2. City / Municipality level issue: up to Rs. 4.00 lakhs
    3. District level: up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs
    4. State-level / Technology-driven solutions: up to Rs. 10 lakhs
  3. Heads of expense: The PI shall specify Heads under which funding is required, with the purpose explained and quantum fully justified. Funds will be released as follows:
    1. 50% of the sanctioned amount at the beginning of the project.
    2. 25% after the half-projected timeline on submission of an Interim Report.
    3. 25% after the submission of the Final Technical Report.

Grants will be released to College Principal/Registrar (Goa University)/Head of Institution.


The tenure sanctioned under GSRF IRIS-LD will be one year from the project's sanction date; however, in exceptional cases of need for additional time, on the basis of specific and justified request of the PI and approval of the Review Committee, the tenure may be extended, by up to a maximum of six months. In such cases no further extension will be permissible or considered.


The Principal Investigator (P.I.) who will be considered as the primary applicant, has to have :

  1. a PhD degree or M.D./M.S./M.D.S./M.V.Sc. in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Sciences;
  2. an interest in high-quality research; and
  3. has to be a regular faculty working in a recognised Higher Educational Institute in Goa, or Scientist of a Centrally funded Research Institute in Goa.

Co-investigators (Co-PIs) can be from the same or other institutes in Goa. The team should comprise specialists from different branches to complement the requirements for achieving the goals. To ensure that IRIS-LD spreads to the grass-roots, other members/Co-PIs in the team could include experts retired from formal service, members from NGOs, students with innovative ideas, and/or even those from the unorganised sector, including mechanics and agriculturists, who could share and contribute with their innovative insights, experiences and skills.



On the Scheme being notified/opened for seeking proposals from interested applicants/PIs, unless notified on GSRF website for closure, it will be open indefinitely for submission of proposals. The applicants must send a concept note with the proposed budget online in response to the call by GSRF. Pre-registration of PI and Co-PIs is a must for applying online. The applicants shall present the proposal before the Committee constituted for the purpose. The PIs of accepted concepts (with suggestions to modify, if required) will be asked to submit the full proposals online. After online submission, a hard copy with original documents shall be submitted to GSRF Office within a week of the online application. Since the scheme will be kept open throughout the year (unless closure is announced), reviews of received proposals will be conducted periodically.


The applications received, complete in all aspects, will be peer-reviewed by the subject Experts Committee; PI’s may be asked to present the proposal, if needed. Based on the recommendations made by the Committee, the Governing Council of GSRF will take the final decision based on the availability of funds under the scheme.


The following documents shall be submitted within three months from the end of the project:

  1. Copy of the project's final technical report containing solution/policy recommendations, etc., along with the soft copy.
  2. A consolidated item-wise detailed statement of expenditure incurred during the entire project period in the prescribed proforma duly signed and sealed by the PI and the Principal of the College/Registrar of the Goa University/Head of the Institution.
  3. A consolidated Audited Utilization Certificate for the amount utilised towards the project duly signed and sealed by the Chartered Accountant, Principal of the College/Registrar of the Goa University/Head of the Institution and the PI in the prescribed proforma.
  4. The unutilised grant, if any, shall be refunded immediately through demand draft / NEFT in favour of GSRF.
  5. The Committee constituted shall review the completion report; if required, the PI/team will be invited for the presentation and interaction.



  1. The PIs and the Head of the Institution will be intimated about the selection. The PIs should immediately send their acceptance certificate duly forwarded by the Principal of the College/Registrar of the Goa University/Head of the Institution to the GSRF.
  2. The project is not transferable.
  3. If the PI is transferred from the original place of work to another institution within Goa, a no-objection certificate should be furnished for the project transfer from the host institution. The new host institution shall provide a certificate stating that the Institution will provide the necessary facilities to the awardee for the smooth functioning of the project. The assets acquired, if any, can be transferred to the new institution in case of ongoing projects.
  4. Assets, if any, purchased through GSRF assistance may be taken by GSRF on completion of the project.
  5. GSRF encourages publishing the results of the project supported by it. The investigator should acknowledge the support received from the GSRF in these publications.
  6. Generally, no extension in tenure is permissible (please also refer to item VII).
  1. The solution/policy recommendations should be clearly stated in the Final Technical Report as per the projections made in the proposal.
  2. If for whatever reason the PI and Co-PI (and team) do not complete or are unable to complete the project, the entire amount as received from GSRF, shall be transferred back to GSRF immediately through Demand Draft / NEFT. This will also apply in case of PIs who move outside the State of Goa during the tenure of the project, and are no longer associated with the institution through which the project was originally sanctioned.


The GSRF is empowered to relax any/all clauses or conditions of the scheme in genuine cases.


If any questions arise regarding the interpretation of any clause, word or expression of the scheme, the decision about the interpretation shall be with the GSRF, which shall be final and binding on all concerned.

Documents required

  1. Declaration by the PI
  2. Endorsement from the Head of the Institution of PI
  3. Ph. D. Certificate of the PI

Document formats

1 Revised Format of IRIS-LD application Download PDF Download Doc

“Thank you for your overwhelming response to the scheme.”

The received applications will undergo scrutiny and review process. The applicants will be informed of the status after completion of the process, which might take about two months.

Those who could not make it to this cycle, please wait for the next cycle.

Thank you for applying.
You can download your application here.


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